how do we...?
3/17/2006 12:37:00 PM
Semper Reformanda: more than a phrase

Many Southern Baptist churches will not abide theologically thick preaching, because every effort has been made to make the church more seeker-friendly -- to modernize the message and soften the sharpness of doctrine so as to make room for people who have never heard of the Apostles let alone the specific books of Galatians and Jude. This plan has resulted in even less response by today's teenagers and young adults because the seriousness of the themes of Scripture have been presented so obliquely by the church that modern young professionals and students find Nietzsche and Hegel much more appealing and thoughtful than Jesus. For many of them, the philosophers and political pundits seem more confident, knowledgeable, intelligent and interesting than the ministers of their local church. While the real world operates on concrete empirical principles, the church hides her message in fantasy code. Thus, all this sensitivity to the seeker has, in many ways, backfired.

The million dollar question is, "How do we modernize the message and not soften the sharpness of doctrine so as to make room for people who have never heard...?" I think this is the whole point of my blog. I am hoping that through expositions, thinking, and living (most important) I can some how answer this question.

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